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Disaster Relief Fundraiser

This is a fan-led initiative to raise disaster relief money for those affected by the Los Angeles area fires.  Please feel free to donate to help aid the affected families and individuals.

To Donate:

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The Star Trek fan community is a tight knit group of folks that care about making the world a better place.  Right now, sadly, tens of thousands of people are losing their homes, their lives, and being forced to evacuate from their neighborhoods due to the severe fires in Los Angeles and the surrounding areas.  This is a fan-led initiative to raise money for those affected, and to rally support for our community.  Anyone who has been affected or knows someone who has been affected within the Star Trek community can apply for assistance from this Disaster Relief Fund.  There are lots of other resources we can help share if you need help.  There are also lots of other emergency relief fundraisers and support organizations if you need help.  We're here to help!

To Donate:

Click the donation link or scan the QR code to Donate.  We humbly ask that you donate whatever you can to help.

other resources

Are You or Someone You Love Affected and Need help?

If you have been affected by the LA fires and need financial assistance, please feel free to submit an application below for consideration.  All applications will go through a review process to ensure that noone is applying for assistance in bad faith.  Approved financial aid from this Disaster Relief Fund is not guaranteed, and approved amounts are on a case-by-case basis.  Providing receipts or other backup documentation would strengthen your case for receiving help from this fund.

To Join in On the Fun,
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Apply for Assistance

I am a:
I am a applying for:
Member of
Reason funds are needed:

Please be as thorough and detailed as possible. *** Please include the address of your affected home.

Please email all receipts, photos, and supporting documentation to:

Your application will be reviewed, and you will be contacted with a determination as soon as efficiently possible.

Please rest assured that your privacy is our utmost concern. No Personally Identifiable information will be retained and your information will not be made public.

To Join in On the Fun,
Join our Facebook page


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Star Trek and all related marks, logos and characters are solely owned by CBS Studios Inc. This fan run community and magazine are not endorsed by, sponsored by, nor affiliated with CBS, Paramount Pictures, or any other Star Trek franchise, and is a non-commercial fan-made product intended for recreational use. No commercial exhibition or distribution is permitted. No alleged independent rights will be asserted against CBS or Paramount Pictures.

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